The professional baseline of your overall professional experiences. The perfect option for advertising your overall skills, abilities and accomplishments. General Resumes are written to appeal to various hiring audiences. General resumes are not necessarily written with a specific career field, job title or position posting in mind.
For additional detail and current pricing, please visit the Order Now page.
Formatted to parallel your professional experiences to that of 1 specific position being applying for. Targeted resumes get the best results, as they not only include all of the features of a General resume, but it is also able to further illustrate your experiences and qualifications that mirror the requirements for the specific field or position you are applying for.
For additional detail and current pricing, please visit the Order Now page.
Crafted for the Federal job hunter who is planning to apply for up to 2 specific Federal position postings. Your professional experiences will be paralleled for up to 2 Federal position postings for this resume. Includes the professional baseline features of a General resume.
For additional detail and current pricing, please visit the Order Now page.
The solution for High School or College students who lack paid work experience to highlight their academic, extracurricular or volunteer activities and accomplishments. Student resumes do not need to have a specific career field, job title or position posting in mind.
For additional detail and current pricing, please visit the Order Now page.
Your personalized introduction to a prospective employer, demonstrating your interest in their company. Cover letters are a requirement for many position postings. Even if not required for a position posting or application, a cover letter could be useful in setting you apart from the crowd. Submitting one with your resume could be your opportunity to capitalize on your first introduction to a perspective employer.
For additional detail and current pricing, please visit the Order Now page.
Currently, expedited service options are available for all resumes. Expedited service is executed within 2 business days of receiving resume work history (Client Blueprint). If a cover letter is being purchased along with an expedited resume, it will also be completed within the expedited timeframe.
For additional detail and current pricing, please visit the Order Now page.
Once you submit your payment via the website, you will receive an email confirmation and a request for some initial Client Blueprint (work history) information. One of our Resume Consultant will contact you by the next business day via telephone to obtain the additional information required to complete the Client Blueprint. If you are unable to confer with the Consultant on the next business day, we will be happy to schedule a date and time to call back at your convenience.
The telephone consultation is a critical aspect of the resume service, as it provides our CPRW Editors with the additional details required to compose your resume and appropriately showcase your professional charm. Before concluding the conversation with your Resume Consultant, we will provide you with the detailed plan for executing your resume and helping you reach your career goals.
The telephone consultation is optional; however, if declined, it will need to be completed via email to obtain the required Client Blueprint information, which may also extend the completion timeline.
- Standard service is executed within 5 business days of receiving completed resume work history (Client Blueprint).
The Client Blueprint is simply a detailed collection of information provided by the client, for the purpose of developing the resume. The information in a Client Blueprint file may include outdated resumes, copies of current positions being applied for, or supplemental details about specific experiences or skills provided to our Resume Consultants during the Client Blueprint telephone discussion. The information initially provided for the Client Blueprint at the time of purchase may include general information such as prior employment history and the current industry or specific position which you plan to apply for. During the telephone consultation, the Client Blueprint will be completed with the assistance of your Resume Consultant, who is trained to ask you questions about your career experience that will help you develop additional information that is relevant and valuable for the development of your resume.
Once your CPRW expert composed resume has been completed, it will be emailed to you for review. Any corrections or editing requests must be made within 24 hours and will be honored by our CPRW Editors within 24 hours of being requested. All resume options that include hard copies will be shipped via USPS First Class mail upon completion of client editing requests. We are committed to delivering exceptional service and professionally composed, high-quality resumes that meet the individual career objectives of our clients.